Support Page Content
ECS Helpdesk Topics
ECS students, faculty, and staff have unique access to resources and help in the College of ECS. For more information see the following help topics below. There are also more how-to articles in the "ECS Resource Center" Canvas course.
All ECS students, faculty, and staff should already have permission to the Canvas course. It has additional detailed articles and tutorials on topics such as:
- VPN Access
- Moodle Access
- ECS Linux Servers
- ECS Remote Labs in Sassafras
- Microsoft Onedrive for CSUS students & CSUS U-drive
- ECS Key Fobs
- ECS College Calendars
Wireless Access
Campus wireless (Eduroam) is available throughout Riverside Hall and the Tschannen Engineering Building.
IT Problems
How To Submit a Problem Report
Whether there's a problem in one of the labs, with your campus computer, or connecting to ECS resources with your personal system, this is the place to submit those issues to us so that we can diagnose and resolve them.
To contact us, the following methods can be used:
Contact the ECS Helpdesk Student Assistants
Call (916) 278-6690 or Chat with a Student Support Assistant Mon - Fri | 8 a.m - 4:30 p.m. (Lunch: 12 - 1 p.m.)
Contact Us Via Email
You can also reach us by email if you're encountering a problem. Please send an email to with the following information:
- Where is the problem?
- What is the nature of the problem? Please provide us with a description and give as much detail as you can in regards to the problem.
- Please provide your contact information so that we may contact you in regards to the problem. This is optional, we will not spam your inbox.
VPN - Off-Campus Access to ECS Resources
ECS Students can access internal campus resources while off campus by using the CSUS VPN. Download the client and connect to the VPN by following the instructions for connecting to the CSUS VPN via the Global Protect VPN Client
Key Fobs
ECS Key Fobs - What Are They and How Do I Get One?
We strongly suggest that you get a key fob to grant you access to the ECS resources you need, as well as to keep you and your fellow students safe.
Key fobs give ECS students access to Riverside Hall and the Tschannen Engineering Building after hours, as well as specific labs related to your major. While some labs are unlocked during business hours, other labs are ONLY accessible via key fob. Furthermore, some labs are specific to certain majors and without a key fob you will always be reliant on other students with keyfobs to let you in.
Instructions to get an ECS Student Key Fob can be found on the ECS Key Fob Sharepoint Page. Please use your full "" username to access the instruction page.